New arrivals

No such product

When we use medicines and food supplements, we are used to knowing exactly how much to take. We are surprised when we are advised to start with a smaller dose and then increase the amount little by little, while listening to our body's signals.
This journey is an opportunity to get to know ourselves better while listening to what our body and soul really need.

The use of CBD can be life-changing for many, and can bring back a long forgotten oneness with nature.

If you choose to try CBD, you will embark on an exciting journey of self-discovery.


The product is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Products should be kept out of the reach of children!

If you are taking prescription medication or have a serious medical condition, consult your doctor or pharmacist before using these products.

CBD and CBN oils and supplements are not a substitute for medication, a balanced mixed diet and a healthy lifestyle.

All hemp products presented on this website are produced from 100% hemp strains from the EU catalogue of varieties certified according to EU legislation, with a THC content of less than 0.2% in accordance with the legislation. None of our products are psychoactive.

Storage of CBD oil: store in a dry, cool place away from light.